<<        EN FRANCAIS        PO-RUSSKI
The necessite to start one wellknown OS to use electronic dictionaries always fatigue me. My researches of dictionaries in text files were not successfuls. But at last...

French-russian, ~10000 articles, ~240k, cp1251 + iso-8859-1 *
Russian-french, ~17000 articles, ~370k, cp1251 + iso-8859-1 *
* 2 encodings together. A program must be enough intellectual to show the articles correctly.
primitive SH-script for the search of a word in FR dictionary under UNIX with KOI8-R localization

French-russian, ~150 000 words and expressions, ~3.3Mb, utf-8
russian-french, ~75 000 words and expressions, ~2.2Mb, utf-8


I don't know anything about the sources of these dictionaries and copyrights. If the owners of the rigthts will claim to take off these dictionaries - I'll do it immideately.